If the real issue is the culture of the congregation, then how does one embed new culture or change the existing culture in an organization like the church? Well, how do you raise children? How do you “embed” in them
It’s Not About The Band! Part 3
So if you’ve been following this blog for the last couple weeks you know the answer: “It’s still not about the band!” Is there a place for a praise band in church? Sure. Why not? There is nothing wrong with
It’s Not About The Band! Part 2
It’s still not about the band! And if it’s not about the band, then it’s not about the building, the location, the organ or the latest whiz bang program either! Sure those things have their place and have their importance
It’s Not About The Band!
It’s not about the band! What’s not about the band? When churches experience decline, members leaving and more wood than people, there’s always someone who says, “We need a praise band.” That’s the easy answer: to point to the most