How are you preparing for Christmas at your church? The path of least resistance often takes over. That means you will likely recruit the same people who are reliable and will be in town for ushering, greeting, playing music, singing,
Is It Really Missional? Three Blind Spots
The church throughout north America is plateaued and even declining as the latest LCMS periodical The Lutheran Witness 2017 The State of the Church – points out. The trends are not good. No wonder that there is another trend throughout
Don’t Be “That” Leader
Recently there have been some situations in our household where we have had to employ the advice and services of others. Nothing serious, but contacts and encounters with lawyers, service people for various things around the house, for the cars, plus
Church Leadership: You’re Doing it All Wrong…
IF you have the attitude that “we can do it and you can help.” The “we” being the church staff and the “you” being the church members. This means that the staff run the programming and significant ministry and the
Leadership & Orientation
Did you go to freshman orientation? New job orientation? There are a lot of places and jobs and associations which require some kind of orientation. But what kind of orientation do we do in the church? New member catechism classes.
Leadership and Trust: Do You Pass the Test?
Robert D. Putnam in his influential study, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, writes that only in high-trust environments can leaders recruit the eager support they need to achieve worthy goals. So how much do you trust
Leadership Spring Cleaning?
Most of the time that expression has to do with cleaning the house and opening the windows to let in some fresh spring air. But for our purposes this refers to something that we as leaders can almost be blind
Where Will You Lead in 2017?
Recently I was watching an interview of a someone I used to admire. He was a two time gold medalist in the pole vault and minister Bob Richards. Back when I was a pole vaulter and a Christian myself, he