Strengthen your leadership by incorporating coaching into every day ministry. Grow others as disciples and leaders, increase member engagement, ownership and teamwork along the way.

A six week Webinar series held every Wednesday at 1PM EST from October 9 – November 13

$50 for FLGA members and $300 for those outside the FLGA district

You don’t have to be a certified coach to use coaching in ministry. This is the other option that is so often overlooked for servant leaders. Properly understood and lived out coaching is an immensely practical and effective means to lead and grow fellow disciples in the local church.

Some of the material covered includes:

√  What is coaching really? Making the shift

√  Giving them a fish or teaching them to fish?

√  When is the time to speak? Communicating the right thing in the right way

√  How do you show up…at the board, committee, board of directors or voter’s meeting

√  How to supervise staff and key volunteers without being “that guy.” What is needed first and best practices

√  Coaching for Pastoral Care and Visitation. From hospitals to evangelism, coaching can make all the difference.

√  Developing people, growing leaders

To register click here

About the instructor: Rev. Scott Gress is an ICF Professional Certified Coach and believes in Growing People for Ministry by focussing on leadership, discipleship and teamwork. He is the founder and president of The LCMS Coaching Network. Scott authored A Christian Coaching Guidebook: How To Come Alongside Others For Ministry Results and writes The Coaching Leader column in the FLGA Lutheran Life magazine which is also the title of his podcast. You can contact Scott through email or his blog page or at 561-542-4472 for a sample coaching session.