What a blessing it would be if the ministry were like the church we envisioned in our minds. For pastors it would likely be as simple as preaching, teaching and administering the sacraments. Then laity and especially leaders would be
The Mystery of Leadership Development
Does leadership development seem like a mystery? You want more leaders, in fact you want to be a better leader yourself! You’ve done the book reading and podcast listening thing. You’ve watched a few YouTube videos too. But you feel
What Did He Say? Leadership Communication
You are a professional communicator. You preach and you teach. You lead worship. You lead devotions. You spend a lot of time on the phone: calling, texting, emailing. You make visits. You sit on boards and committees. You are busy
Leadership Excuses (Part 3): “We Just Need to Get Better”
Sure that’s a good idea. That would solve a lot. The truth is that we put up with a lot of mediocre or even bad. But if we get better will that be the game changer we need? Yes we
Which Church (& Church Leader) for 2021?
There are two churches in town, St John and St Paul. On the outside it seems that they are both pretty much the same. They both have a nice pastor and a nice sermon and worship services that are on
How To Flip The Church Script For 2021
Carl sat down at the beginning of the elder’s meeting a little discouraged. He and most of his friends at church had received the vaccine by now, local business was starting to pick up and it seemed like there was