What a blessing it would be if the ministry were like the church we envisioned in our minds. For pastors it would likely be as simple as preaching, teaching and administering the sacraments. Then laity and especially leaders would be people who worshipped, attended Bible study, initiated programs, invited and welcomed newcomers.
The pastors would be joyful servants dedicated to Biblical preaching and teaching, and attending meetings of the church to encourage the lay leaders. They would visit the sick and shut ins and welcome the visitors from Sunday mornings in their homes. They would be available for pastoral care for those experiencing the hurts and pains of life as well as be a presence for times of celebration.
Meanwhile the laity would be attending virtually every Sunday. They would attend the Bible studies and work days and meetings faithfully. Then what is planned would be carried out with enthusiasm and excellence. Both newcomers and neighbors would attend. People would be more joiners instead of stragglers who held back from getting involved. Those who were more responsible types would become leaders and engage the others and encourage them not only in their volunteer roles but in their Christian lives. The younger would learn from the older and all people would grow closer to Christ.
This utopian dream of church and ministry would include not only devoted pastors and laity but generosity as well. Good stewardship would be the norm and people would have a sense of dedication not only to their church but to their denomination and their teachings.
Such an idealized vision would furthermore extend to the society in general where most people not only knew they should be in church but wanted to be in church. The Monday morning conversation at work would more often be about what people did over the weekend at church, instead of at the lake, the sports field or the bar. Ideally that would be the norm. if we can dream.
Yet we know that such a church and society does not really exist. We may see glimpses but it is not the reality. Pastors are not all the same and no one pastor has all the gifts necessary for doing all the tasks equally well. Likewise in our world, the patterns of attendance, faithfulness and service for lay people is widely varied. Some new to the faith dive in and get involved while many, even long term members do not. Those far from Jesus might find themselves checking out churches online, perhaps visiting once and never returning in the same way that long term members disappear as well.
Some churches do better than others. But the missing piece is often a thoughtful, intentional, persistent emphasis on people development. Sure, God indeed works through the means of grace. What is often left unattended though is ongoing support in living out that faith including Gospel care and using ones gift to serve God and others. Many, including the pastor, often assume that such care and supporting the growth of others is something only the pastor should do. Yet we all know that personal growth and development comes through putting what is learned to use. So there is a great need to provide a means for helping people do just that. Testing, evaluating and correcting is the rhythm of learning and it is often the missing piece in people development at the local church.
If you are beginning to wonder about your own church there is a brief self assessment that you can access and have others in your church complete. This may be just the thing to start a conversation about what is needed.
Find the assessment with this link here.
Let me know what you think and what you learned. My email is scottgress@me.com
Rev. Scott Gress is believes in Growing People for Ministry by focussing on leadership, discipleship and teamwork. Contact Scott if you are interested in him working with you or your church. A free 30 minutes sample session is available to explore how you might work best together. The Coaching Leader Podcast is also available on iTunes and his YouTube page. You can contact Scott through email scottgress@me.com or his blog page scottgress.com or at 561-542-4472
Growing People for Ministry" Leadership + Discipleship + Teamwork
Check out the: Coaching Leader Podcast!