The word for repentance in the New Testament in greek is “metanoia” which can be translated a change of mind. It is a key part of Lent as one is convicted of sin through the law of God. The law
What a Blessing It Would Be If…But
What a blessing it would be if the ministry were like the church we envisioned in our minds. For pastors it would likely be as simple as preaching, teaching and administering the sacraments. Then laity and especially leaders would be
Be of One Mind
Is your church or ministry going in circles? Had the same debates or one too many heated debates at the board or council meeting? Healthy conflict or disagreements is one thing but wasting time debating the same thing or unhealthy
They Should Come to Us!
Lots of that kind of thinking going on. We are here. We’ve been here for 75, 100, 100+ years. We have a well known Lutheran Christian Day School. We offer the divine service at 8 & 10:30AM every Sunday. They
I’ve Got No Choice!
Have you ever felt that way? You don’t really see any options and so you conclude that you really have no choice. You may feel like you are stuck. Perhaps you’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing has
The Mystery of Leadership Development
Does leadership development seem like a mystery? You want more leaders, in fact you want to be a better leader yourself! You’ve done the book reading and podcast listening thing. You’ve watched a few YouTube videos too. But you feel
Groundhog Day in Ministry
Does ministry seem like Groundhog Day? You wake up and it is the same thing every day? Where nothing changes or improves no matter what you do? You are not alone. In 1993 Bill Murray played a weatherman named Phil
Moving the Needle in 2024
Moving into a new year can involve as much anxiety as excitement. You are excited about a new year with new possibilities. You trust in God. So you are ready to dig in, keep trying and remain faithful. Good. Yet