When a coach is at their best as a coach, they help people to change without telling them what to do. When I train coaches I stress this very much, because the default for many of us, who want to help others, is to tell them what to do. That means that a good coach will self-manage their inclinations to tell people what to do and instead ask a lot of good questions. Good questions mean being self-aware and not asking leading questions or making statements that are in the form of questions.

That doesn't mean though that I have nothing to say. Over the course of the last few years of coaching and even more years of pastoral ministry I have come to some thoughts and determinations about coaching, leadership, ministry, revitalizing congregations and so on. I wondered if there was any value in letting those thoughts fly and inviting people to dialogue about them. The goal would be another venue for exploring, learning, affirming and growing in effectiveness to the glory of God.

So this isn't the final word of course, but my prayer is that it will be helpful in "moving the ball down the field" for growth and productivity in coaching, leadership, ministry, revitalization and missional living.

Why a Blog?

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