Those are comforting words. Most of the time. We ourselves have heard them. We have used them. We have appreciated them from a loving parent when we scraped our knee and from a caring pastor who visited us in the hospital. They have tumbled out of our mouths to our crying child or teenager when they lost the game or failed the test or were on the receiving end of a bully’s taunting. It will be ok. Yes, and behind those words are the promises of God! He will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb 13:5). God works all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28). We could go on. So, yes, it will be ok!
Perhaps you have also leaned on these words and promises in difficult leadership contexts and situations. But this time it is really an excuse. A loudmouth leader speaks up inappropriately in the meeting and crosses the line in their words. Your response? Silence. (It will be ok.) A person with significant responsibility drops the ball and blames others. Your response? Silence. (It will be ok.) Others notice their fault and gripes about them too. Your response? Silence (It will be ok.) Another person does exactly the opposite of what was voted on in a council meeting. Your response? Silence. (It will be ok.) Someone drifts from regular worship. You hear that they are going through a few tough things. Your response? Silence. (It will be ok.)
Is silence the right response? Not likely. Will it be ok? In the eternal scheme of things we can trust in God. We can also trust in God to forgive us for our sins of omission. In that sense it will be ok. Yet can’t we all admit that we dropped the ball? God calls us as leaders to be intentional in our words, behaviors and actions. In this and similar instances, we used this promise as an excuse not to do the right thing.
Are there other sins of omission in leadership? We give ourselves permission to do what we do and stay the course. Well done, good and faithful servant. We may plead to God for our forgiveness for not being more evangelistic. Understood. But what about not raising up leaders? Not praying for Him to help raise up new leaders, to prompt you to notice whom He has chosen? What about the “I see in you” conversation that you didn’t have with people? What about the invitation to follow you as you follow Christ with those people (1 Cor 11:1) by including them in an apprentice relationship? It didn’t happen. What about how you took the easy way out and succumbed to the pressure to grab John because he’ll say yes? Or when you didn’t model and encourage your leaders to share their leadership and develop others? We excused ourselves from doing the hard work or the difficult thing.
Oh we may put in sixty, seventy, eighty hours a week instead. Sure we know that we are not saved by works. But at times we may admit that it soothes our conscience not to mention that it helps our case with the crabby leaders who complain about us.
But wait. Ministry is hard. True. No one, who is not in this position, is aware of the stress, the pressure, the emotional toll it takes to speak to hurting people throughout the day, to field unfair complaints, and then to enter the pulpit each week whether we feel ready or not, to speak words of inspiration and love. It is draining. Very true. Yet remember, it will be ok. God knows and will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:10)!
And He will also help you to meet the need to speak the words of law and gospel to your leaders and members. He will also enable you to be proactive and initiate faith development and leadership development. He will help you to be intentional. Yet know this. It will not likely happen on its own. If it would, you would have already done it! Stop making excuses and get help. It won’t be in a book. It won’t be in a YouTube video. The best help will be in a person.
This is where a coach comes in. A coach is a thinking partner, an accountability partner, one who reminds you of God’s promises, one who speaks words of encouragement, one who helps raise your awareness of these leadership “sins of omission” but also helps Identify the cornucopia of possibilities and strategies that God is providing. Such a coach is also someone who will help you take steps for your own growth and development while avoiding denial. Yes, it will be ok.
Greater joy, less stress. Let me know how I can be supportive of you in your ministry. Drop me an email. I’m here to help.
Rev. Scott Gress is believes in Growing People for Ministry by focussing on leadership, discipleship and teamwork. Contact Scott if you are interested in him working with you or your church. A free 30 minutes sample session is available to explore how you might work best together. The Coaching Leader Podcast is also available on iTunes and his YouTube page. You can contact Scott through email scottgress@me.com or his blog page scottgress.com or at 561-542-4472
"Growing People for Ministry" Leadership + Discipleship + Teamwork
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