What might be getting in the way?leadershipgrowth2017

Do you think you weren’t born to be a leader?

It’s true that we are all born with a certain capacity for taking on responsibility. One becomes a leader when they say, “someone should do something about that…and I’m that someone!” If that has happened to you then congratulations, you’ve just become a leader. You have taken on some responsibility to take something to a better place. It may have been a cub scout pack or a book club or an entire congregation. But you have stepped into leadership. Your capacity for leadership is directly related to your capacity to take on responsibility. Sure, you may have been born with that. But it can grow over time with experience. So don’t discount yourself by thinking you weren’t born to be a leader.

Are you naturally gifted at leadership? Some have more instincts for it than others yet leaders are often gifted in different areas. Some may be more prone to be task oriented, others more people centered, still others, self serving in their role as leader. (That’s a dysfunctional leader!) Then different times and situations require different responses and leadership interventions. Some may be more naturally prone to know what to do but that too can be learned. So don't sell yourself short because you think you don’t always know what to do or are sometimes afraid.

Then we have all seen some leaders magically “rally the troops” while others seem to be more behind the scenes and less visible or vocal. Is one preferred? Not really. Some groups really think they want the inspirational leader. Sure extrovertedness and charisma may be good for a short while but it wears thin if there is little substance behind it. Studies have consistently shown that what really matters is a leader who has a servant heart and humble attitude that sacrifices and models what to do. So introverts rejoice! You can be a great leader too.

The bottom line is, if you care about your church or committee or organization and are willing to step up and take responsibility, then you can be a leader. Furthermore it is entirely possible to grow as a leader. The only thing that is needed is a willingness to learn and try again and make mistakes and grow from them. That takes courage, intentionality and determination. How much of those do you have? With God’s love, I would imagine you are filled with all of them and more!

So how are you going to courageously, intentionally determine to grow as a leader in 2017?

  • Read a leadership book?
  • Take a class?
  • Ask for regular and honest feedback from those who work close to you? (And ask for their help in holding you accountable?!)
  • Engage with a mentor who has walked along your pathway before?
  • Engage with a coach to customize and work with you on a leadership growth strategy?

Give me a call to support your leadership growth. This can happen for you in 2017. It all depends upon you.

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Scott Gress is called by Lutheran Counseling Services and partners with the FL-GA District of the Lutheran Church as an independent contractor. He specializes in Leadership Training, Consulting, Coaching and Coach Training. Contact Scott to continue the conversation or experience a free sample coaching session. 561-542-4472, scottgress@me.com or scottgress.com

"Helping leaders be more productive - less controlling"


Want to Grow as a Leader in 2017?

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